Samsung Imagination Contest

Hey hey, I’m just leaving this excerpt here for a contest I’m entering, ignore it if you please…. do take a look if U want to… not my best, but not that bad either?

Contest entry begins….

I’m walking down a strange street, it seems like I’m in the future, no one else is walking except me, they seem to be in some sort of contraption that has wheels. Boy do they look fun! Almost everyone else seems to have a very small chocolate bar at their ear and they are busy talking, to whom I have no idea. Everyone seems so busy while I wander this strange new world.

There are these huge rectangular squares everywhere I go, every one of them showing a different thing. I stop and look at one, it’s a huge fairly dry plain and a lion is waiting among the grass, there is a deer grazing some grass nearby, the lion jumps out of its hiding and pursues the now running deer. I look at another and there is a man telling me something about the weather in New York, Chicago, Seattle and many other places which I have never heard of before. I look at the others and they are telling me a lot of different things. This is very exciting.

I wander further down the street then I see one very outstanding shop, it’s light are so mesmerizing, they are practically beckoning me to enter the shop. As I stand at the entrance to the shop, the doors open, welcoming me; as I enter the shop, it feels cool and comfortable. I take a few more steps and there is this very bright flash that instantly blinds my eyes. A piece of paper appears in a machine in front of me, a person next to the machine passes me the piece of paper and I see my startled self. I ask the person, what is that machine. He said it’s a camera and tells me it takes pictures. Since the man seemed rather friendly, I asked him why is it cooler in here than it is outside. He says: “Why, we have air conditioning! See that box like thing over there? That’s an air conditioner. It makes the air cooler”. I am simply amazed.

I explore further into the shop, my eyes wide with amazement. There was a lady using a contraption on the floor, she seems to be cleaning it. I walk up to her and ask her about it………………….

For more of it… click here. If you wanna leave any related comments, leave it at that web address.

I was supposed to put some sort of link to it, but it doesn’t work for me… so… you just gotta click it… don’t click it if you don’t want to… hahaha.. ok.. time to do some other important stuff…

Cheerios peeps!

Space filler

Well, well, well… Seems like a long time since I last blogged… well cause I still miss Wednesdays… haha… No seriously.

Anyway, the exams have ended and it’s time for some R & R… or is it? There’s just so much to do before I leave and here I am typing away on the laptop as if time has stopped and everything will pack itself up eventually. *Hey! Maybe it will? Yeah in your dreams.*

Oh we *the trio that travels in a pack* managed to catch “State of Origin”, a huge event in Queensland. It’s basically a best of three rugby league with Queensland (Maroons) against NSW (Blues) and Queensland won 4 times in a row… pretty cool! hahaha.. We managed to catch it on Foxtel too, not to mention it was on a projected screen which was the size of a pretty big wall. So darn cool!

I’ll be dreaming of foxtel from now on… it should be something like TiVo, but.. the other part of the trio said if I ever did get Foxtel, I will never leave home, which could very well be true.

Oh did I mention I was going to New Zealand? hehehe… Man, am I psyched! Although I think we will be kinda hard pressed for time, if only… we could be there longer, if only we had more money, if only…. There are no “if only”‘s, if there were, lots of things wouldn’t have happened… Ok. Next topic!

*awkward space silence*

*Awkward use of space*

*Awkwardness persists….*

Right! I’ve ran out of topics to talk about… ahhaha… care to share with me certain issues to discuss?

Ok. If you have a choice between Bungy Jumping, Hang gliding/ Para Gliding and Sky Diving and you money wasn’t a problem. Which would you do?

Ok. Now assuming money is a problem and the cheapest is bungy jumping and the most expensive being sky diving, which would you pick?

Now assuming there are only 2 choices, hang gliding/para gliding and sky diving, the former being the cheapest and the latter obviously more expensive.

I already have the answer in my head, it’s just to take up more space on the internet… hahha

Oh yes! I managed to watch Transformers :Revenge of the Fallen. *Sorry Vatty, sorry Aza*

It’s a good show! I would give it almost 5 stars… hahaha… maybe 5 on a good day, maybe 4.5 on a not so good day. It has less action than the first one but a little more storyline, I would rate this better than the first though. The transformers are still very good to look at.

I actually wanted to talk about another 2 Japanese movies that I watched but… I’ll skip that and do other non important stuff… Like looking at the Sun, looking at the pool, staring out into space, dreaming of going to space, dreaming of catching a falling star *so impossible*, dreaming of foxtel, dreaming of owning a projector and just dreaming in general.

I’ll Miss Wednesdays!!!!!

I’ll miss receiving the weekly emails, I’ll miss anticipating the next game, I’ll miss the fun throws and great catches, I’ll miss wearing my team colours, I’ll miss coming out from the house at 6 and cross the road to the brightly lit Oval 7, I’ll miss everything about Oval 7 (from the grass to the flood lights), I’ll miss throwing the disc to warm up, I’ll miss team time, I’ll miss the drills that we do, I’ll miss running till I run outta breath (almost out of breath), I’ll miss my team mates, I’ll miss my team captain (captains, ex and current), I’ll miss everyone in the league even if I don’t know you, I’ll miss the times when I had no idea what was happening when someone called a foul and I ended up standing there wondering what was happening, I’ll miss huddling after each game and shouting “hooray!” *although I might stand next to a guy who well.. has… well…. hmmm….*, I’ll miss playing frisbee, I’ll miss Wednesdays!!!!!

Oh man… this is really saddening… depressing… sigh…. Hmmm.. Let’s get on with this…

Tonight! Was the finals of the UQ Ultimate League  *The Autumn one?* and we were in it again! Wow! Imagine that! It surprised us too.. but it’s still great! We lost… but “we were already winners”… hahahhaha

It was an amazing league, week after week (even though there were some weeks which it rained and the field was water logged and all.. and there was a week where the lights didn’t come on.. hahaha) it was great fun, there were downs.. but there were definitely more ups… we started the league a little shaky.. but we pulled through with some great comebacks leading towards the finals! Amazing stuff! But very nerve wrecking…

Eventhough we lost… I’ll still say we are Purely Awesome…

Pure Awesomeness

Pure Awesomeness!!!

It was a great team.. small but awesome!

I’ll honestly miss you guys. I’ll miss the great games we had together *although I wasn’t that good.. but.. I’ll still miss it*, who cares if we lost? It’s the great fun and great memories that last forever… *Why am I being so sentimental*

Honestly.. It’s pretty sentimental… It’s our last game in Brisbane. I’ll always remember it.

Woohoo! Pure Awesomeness!!!!

End of it all?

Is this the end?? The end of my student life? That was fast! Way fast! I don’t want it to end so early… but… I guess all things have to come to an end eventually…

Yesterday was the last class I’ll probably ever have as a student. Feelings? erm… a little saddened… not really happy… actually there wasn’t much sadness until we realised that it was the last class that we’ll ever have for our entire lives *ok maybe not if we have further education and all.. but it just wouldn’t be the same* and that we’ll be leaving Brisbane in less than 2 months! GASP!!!!!

I was wondering if I would “shed tears” when I’m about to leave… *Darn emotional tears just like to force it’s way out! =(* Probably no, probably yes… maybe I’ll cry at the “accommodation” , maybe I’ll cry in the train to the airport, maybe I’ll cry on the airplane when I’m looking at Brisbane from the top trying to find UQ…. *Ok.. this is seriously making me sad… hahaha*

I guess now I just have to use the time I have left wisely and make the most of it.. not easy one half of it is used to study and take exams… sob sob…. talking bout exams…. I should be studying at this very moment… ah! doesn’t matter! I want to feel emo-ish for a little bit.

In less than 2 months time, I won’t be able to see the precious green grass of UQ, I won’t be able to travel around using a boat, I won’t have timetables, electronic too mind you, to tell me when buses are coming, I won’t have to buy my groceries anymore.. hahaha, I won’t be sharing my room with anyone, I won’t be living with friends, I won’t be able to walk late at night in the cold weather to people’s houses / some other various reasons, won’t be able to check out what my Thai housemate is doing, won’t be able to scare my housemates *then again I won’t have anymore housemates*, won’t be able to feel the wonderful resort like atmosphere of our unit, *honestly it’s like I’m on holiday*….. ok I think this list thingy can go on forever and I don’t really have forever *for now* to talk on about forever, so let’s jsut leave it at that….

On a lighter note, I should be going to NZ if all goes well.. for now, I just have to STUDY like mad! goodness. Of course I’ll still want to check out the Tesla Roadster tomorrow, which means I have work harder today.. =( doggone it! Why can’t the event be later?? =(

Peace all! hahhaha that’s an odd end.. Cheerios peeps, may you be well and may the swine flu stay away from you. =)