Farewell notes

I’m back! And that’s within 2 days!

Was checking out the stats page and noticed that I still get visits. Odd. Why would anyone wanna visit a dead blog? Heck! Even I don’t visit blogs anymore. Except food blogs.

Had an interesting thought today. Well, maybe it’s not all that interesting but it has something to do with this blog. I’ve come to the conclusion to write more. Or rather, to type more. But, who likes reading these days, unless it’s nicely animated. So I suppose whatever I write here from now on its more for personal reading and writing practice?

I’ve recently tendered from my fairly ok paying but stressful/time consuming/”learn a lot” job. While at work today, I was thinking of the farewell emails that all those previous people that left wrote and sent to the whole department and wondered if I should write one. But these farewell notes tend to be rather self publicising about one’s relationship with the colleagues they are leaving behind ala…

I would like to thank xxxx for always being there for me and giving me the encouragement when I needed it the most.
I would also like to thank *you know who you are* for being my good friend through out these tumultuous times”

Hmm… so how would one write a farewell note? If I run through the years that I’ve been there, the experiences and friends I made, I might end up shedding a tear or two myself.
I suppose a simple
This email you’re reading now is the last email you’ll ever get from this address. Adios.
P.S. Unless I forgot to write something and have to send this email out again. Jeez that would be embarassing.

would suffice.

It’s been 5 years.

Woah… It’s been too long.

I meant to blog about all sorts of things. But it just slips my mind. It appears that blogging is losing out to tweeting! *GASP!* The horror!

I came back here cause I got a comment in one of my posts. So I thought “Hey! Maybe a little update would be cool.” But then again, like always, I don’t have much to talk about. Bummer.

The first and only thing that comes to my mind is the feeling of being old.

See, I had an opportunity to attend a wedding of a uni mate whom I went to Australia with. We had great memories there. Meeting people, playing, traveling, eating, wasting time, etc… During the wedding, there was a slide show of the “life of the bride” and of course the pictures of life in Australia was there. Seeing the friends we made there and the places we’ve been. Can’t believe it’s been almost 5 years!

We still look the same *maybe a little more make up* act the same, talk the same but we’re just older inside. Boy how time flies.

Moral of the story: Cherish the moment. It won’t last forever *Easy to say, so very hard to do*

Now… let me get back to my “Running Man” teehee….