Hurts – Sunday

Last week’s “Song of the Week” was San E’s Please Don’t Go… this time round is….

Hurt’s Sunday.

I like the dude’s voice when he sings “show”, “come”, “always beeeeeeeee”. Basically the lower parts of the song. Good stuff! =)

San E feat. Outsider & Chang Min (2am) – Please Don’t Go

My personal song of the week.

It’s a korean song and San E is actually a rapper. =)

Never thought I would like rap songs… but this is nice. I actually like the melody part… hahahahha but the song as a whole is nice. Just click Play! Play! Play! Play!

P.S. San E looks cute too….

Last day of mini freedom

Today is the last day of my study leave and at the beginning of the day I had a list of things I wanted to do. Besides completing that darn exam which hopefully will be smooth but I have doubts. Yipes!

First, I was thinking of changing the entire concept of this blog…. this whole mumbo jumbo about destiny…. I don’t think I’ll ever be able to find it. Maybe 10 years from now I’ll look back and think…. well… I seem to have taken the right path. It’s all about choices… choices… choices…..

Maybe all paths lead to the same place?

Secondly, I wanted to figure out my career. I seem to be in a quarter life crisis of some sorts. Too much thinking, no action whatsoever. Nothing ever comes out of it. I feel like I need to go through some sort of a career change. Bot brave enough to do so and not enough research to figure out what else to do.

Thirdly, I wanted to finally select graduation photos to put up but nah…. procrastination, procrastination. It’s almost 2 years now and the frame is still sitting on my desk. Staring at me. Occasionally giving me that dagger stare saying “Oh look! I’m still in my shiny wrapping. Rip me open…. please!”

Forthly, search up on my holiday destinations! I want that itinerary circling my head. Making me think about it all the time and make me want to anticipate my holiday! Can’t wait! But… what am I gonna do there? OH!!! Can’t wait to have organic yoghurt and Campos coffee!!! Campos! Hope you’re still there!

Sadly, I won't be able to see Jacarandas this time round. =(

Next, I wanted to do various other odds and ends, regarding money, playing games, some other odd stuff I don’t remember…. In the end, I ended up napping my afternoon away and watched a movie to cap the day.

Finding Mr. Destiny aka Finding Mr. Kim Jong Wook

It was a sweeeeeeeeeeet movie. Very sweet. Feel good movie I would say. Entertaining but not really the rom com I was expecting. I think I set too high an expectation after Bangkok Traffic (Love) Story. It has it’s moments though and everyone should give it a try. Gong Yoo is adorkably cute too! Heeeeeheeeehheeeeee

Ah…… Relaxing day… but I didn’t accomplish much. Ah well….. There’s a time for everything. *That’s what procrastinators say*

Alright, looks like it’s time for me to end the day and head back to reality tomorrow. I feel like taking flight and not face it. Aish….

Life. Goes on, irregardless of whether you’re participating or not.