Welcome the Lion!

Gong Xi Fa Chai dear blog readers! *simple translation: Happy Chinese New Year*

May the year of the Snake bring about abundance of wealth, happiness and peace!

This year’s celebration was a little different from the previous years. It was the first year our family welcomed the “Lion” to our humble home…

Some preparations beforehand…

Lettuce to attract the lions?

Lettuce to attract the lions?

The lion's trainer had to rest so here laid the lion head.

The lion’s trainer had to rest so here laid the lion head.


And the show begins! ROAR!

Lion: "Hmm... what's this? Is it for me?"

Lion: “Hmm… what’s this? Is it for me?”

Even lions stop to smell the flowers

Even lions stop to smell the flowers

The lions taking a break from all that action

The lions taking a break from all that action

The lions talking to each other.

The lions talking to each other.

The Lion retrieving the lettuce and eventually spreading it for good luck. :)

The Lion retrieving the lettuce and eventually spreading it for good luck. 🙂

And that was it! Pretty good show considering they were only school children.

Some of them were really small sized, was wondering if they could carry the lion head… but it was pretty good. Job well done!

Hope everyone continues to enjoy their 7 days of CNY!