Ah… Ned…. Pie… Chuck…

Ah… it’s been awhile. I wonder how everyone is doing. *I sometimes wonder who everyone is. Looking at my stats, I think everyone is random people google-ing for something and came across my blog by sheer chance* Anyway, welcome. You’ve come at the right time considering I just updated my blog. Ehehehe… However, it’s gonna be short because I think I’ve lost that passion for blogging. Like what exactly is the purpose of me typing out lines and lines of words for all to see?

Well… actually thinking back, it was a way for me to look back at my memories, what I did back then where was I, what I was doing, was I sad, was I happy, though I hardly put super sad stuff here…. too personal. I remember I have a “PISSED” entry though, *cough*waterballoonincident*cough*.

I suddenly had this urge to blog when I came across this line in the law book, “The facts of this very important case are as follows:”, “Pushing Daisies” came into mind cause whenever they talk about a case the narrator would say “The facts were these…..” then the scene of the “crime” will play out. Boy how I miss Pushing Daisies. Ah… Ned….. Pie….. Chuck…… Olive…..

Another thought just came to mind. It seems like every free time I have will be spent in front of my trusty laptop. I shall try to cut down on laptop time and indulge on things we I haven’t done for some time now. Like entering contests, taking pictures, reading watching dvds, hanging around doing nothing and looking at the clouds slowly inch it’s way to where ever it’s heading. Well…. if I have the time of course.

Ok time to ciao. Hehehe…

Anyone *random or not* out there going to The 1st Wonder Girls Live Concert in Malaysia 2010?