A quirky little idea

Wow my 100th entry after like so long…. still 100th entry… wow…. rejoice rejoice… I have actullay been waiting for this moment fro a long time but I forgot what my plans were…. hehehe anyway goin to celebrate this saturday…. hey cahmpions… bring medals on that day lar…. more fun.. then we can sing “We Are The Champions” hehehhe

Ok actually this post ain’t about me 100th entry.. that’s jsut a small little acheivement… never thought I could reach it…. Today is about my quirky little idea….

I have this weird business idea that I think can work out dunno why…. well hope it workd out but I don’t think I can ever see a company like that…

Ok the business is ” a company that deals with interships for college students” see all college students need internships to gain knowledge… and not all college students are lucky enough to get interships so… think about a company that deals with this kind of stuff.. well of course it needs a lot of work. first I need to have the connections with companies that are willing to get these interns… then I gotta think about how I’m gonna earn money…. I could very well charge them but that seems really … I dunno…

It’s just a starting process, I need more time to figure thing sout but I doubt I’m gonna be able to open such a company… I need feedback… can this type of companies work…. I mean some companies find thier own interns and do these future interns wanna pay money just to be an intern…. doesn’t sound right…

so feedback people… it’s important…. I wanna know the flaws.. the strengths…. the constructive criticism… oh well I think I go that point out pretty clearly…

Well this will be a little short one… Oh and if I don’t blog in like a month or a couple of weeks… there is a big probability that I’m too busy too blog… ok till the next post… I shall anticipate the moment the next entry updates itself… hehe

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